One of the major issues that most people are facing in divorce these days are high amounts of credit card debt. Who is responsible, who is going to pay for it and how to pay it down are the major questions faced by all people going through divorce. Some people are forced into bankruptcy, others are saddled with the lion's share of the debt because their soon to be ex refuses to pay on the existing joint debt. The following article provides tips and helpful advice to people, both married and getting divorced, who are swimming in credit card debt.
credit card debt that I had when I divorced was about 50k, my ex went on a spending party. But I Took the debt in order to buy the person out. I lived like a poor person for 3 years untll it was gone. Happy to be away from the spender...
Debt is really hard to face. It involves money. You need to pay for it or else your reputation will be damage and it will be hard for you stand up again. That's why a lot of people manage their money but if you have a partner and keep on spending. I would say it's better if you have a separate account though you are married.
Thanks for the helpful article. The advice is great. I have credit card debt up the wazooo. It's overbearing.
This just goes to show you that no one is immune to the emotional aspects of divorce. If you are feeling any physical effects from your divorce, its important to get help if these symptoms are causing your quality of life to suffer.
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